Do you love Gene Starwind, that daringly dashing drawing from Outlaw Star? Do you laugh at, sympathize with, and long for his character's brand of outlandish outlaw antics? Do you wish you could shrink Gene Starwind down and keep him in your pocket? Well, now you can! Erm, sort of!
Simply follow the directions below. And since The Amazing Minigene and all his various components were painstakingly captured, designed, and edited by me, do not steal, mislink, re-offer, or commit any other form of abuse toward the graphic and the idea for your own selfish purposes. Respect, people. Show it. Live it. Be it. After all, if you don't, I will find you and eat you. Hiss. Scratch.
1) Save image to your own server.
2) Link image with the code below.
3) Cheer the mighty cheer of The Amazing Minigene.
© 04.05.02 TQE