These simplistic-themed wallpapers are all designed by me, their various anime subjects part and parcel to bases I've located and loved from around the web. (Credits, anyone?) Feel free to download them and love them too, but do not feel free to steal, alter, or post them in your own galleries. Simply click on the resolution you desire and the corresponding wallpaper will open in a new window.

Anthy/Utena? Kozue/Miki? WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!
800 x 600
1024 x 768

Akio is obviously NOT up to anything here.  Ahem.
800 x 600
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The Utena Movie: Romance Novel Gone Bad.
800 x 600
1024 x 768

The Puffy Shirt lives!
800 x 600
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A sexy Utena foursome.  Oh my.
800 x 600
1024 x 768

Okay, so The Powerpuff Girls are not technically anime characters.  But just I couldn't resist these nifty animelike versions of them.
800 x 600
1024 x 768

Almost illegally cute Gundam Wing pilots in Powerpuff form.
800 x 600
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Usagi is actually rather appealing in Powerpuff form.
800 x 600
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Everyone loves a Tenchi Muyo cabbit or two!
800 x 600
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Everything's coming up roses for Setsuna.
800 x 600
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