Cowboy Bebop
First and foremost, I just want to kiss Yoko Kanno's deliciously jazz-based soundtrack. Bebop is the most thoroughly artistic anime series I've ever seen. It has an almost poetic bounty-hunters-in-space storyline and an atmosphere of languid coolness. It has wildly intriguing characters. It has a valid dub. It gets better every time I watch it. It is able to leap the chasm between high drama and high comedy. In fact, I highly recommend this series for anybody who doesn't "get" the appeal of anime. See Bebop, and you'll probably understand.
Shoujo Kakumei Utena
My most favorite anime series to date, anywhere, ever. Absolutely nobody fully understands anything about this series of the insane, which is partly why I love it so much. Notably artistic style, swordfighting heroines, surreal, original, and in-depth characters, comedic sidelines, truly bizarre relationships, roses, roses, roses, random symbolic plot points, and just the right amount of anime fame: in-between the mainstream and the underground. I'm crazy about Utena, and I'm not alone. It's all very satisfying, really.
Though it begs the question, "How many episodes can one series hold?" Inuyasha is an anime joy. Its blend of fantasy and comedy makes me grin, and the chemistry between Kagome and Inuyasha is ever-amusing. Between demons and jewel shards and romance and the links between them all, Inuyasha, however long, still keeps me interested. The dub isn't too bad, either. (Insert gasp of surprise here.) It's also nice to see an anime series enjoy moderate success on American telly. Now they just need to buy the rest of it.
If Inuyasha is long and lovely, then Trigun must be considered short and lovely. A beautiful Old West-influenced story (boy is that an anime trend) of pacificm, violence, humor, and the hint of romance, I suppose one might call Trigun a boy's kind of anime. After all, there is a lot of action and gunslinging and such. Then again, I'd call it an everyone's anime, because who doesn't love a lot of action and gunslinging and such? Besides, as every Trigun fan knows, Vash is very cool, Nicholas is very very cool, and there's a lovely random cat who makes cameos in almost every episode. Go on. Pass the doughnuts.
Outlaw Star
This series' cavalcade of crazy characters makes it one of my most recent favorites. I recommend the undubbed series for anybody new to anime, actually, as it's got a little bit of everything for everyone: gunfights in space, nekkid android girls, obsessed space pirates, action, romance, comedy, drama. I find it very similar to Cowboy Bebop: it takes place in a space-driven future, it involves intriguing characters, it balances comedy and drama in a suitably artistic manner . . . Of course, Outlaw Star is enough of a laudably entertaining and thought-provoking series to stand on its own. And of course, I've also created The Amazing Minigene to stand on its own.
Fushigi Yugi
Yes, I know it's a definitively girly series. Yes, I know the plot runneth over with sap. But what can I say? This series bursts with noble, gorgeously drawn bishonen warriors, dancing bandits, evil blond foreigners, ditzy priestesses, hilarious romantic entanglements, startlingly dramatic moments -- all culminating in a story far more engrossing than any live-action soap opera. I love Fushigi Yugi's surprises. I love Hotohori. I love it.
Magic Knight Rayearth
I'll admit that CLAMP is not my favorite style of anime. However, the fantasy and character-driven story of MKR thoroughly won me over with its engrossing second season. I love every well-orchestrated character in this series: courageous Hikaru, solemn Lantis, brooding Zagato, intelligent Fuu, valiant Ferio, gorgeous Tartara, even Princess Emeraude -- or as I like to call her, "Princess Pantene." Character-driven series always grow on me.
The Slayers
Certainly the most amusing, if not the most popular, series of my anime preference. It has plenty of crazy characters, and its comedic medieval sensibilities speak to my comedic medieval sensibilities. I recommend Slayers to anybody, anytime; it's a very versatile anime. I need to see more.
Vampire Princess Miyu
Miyu's dark artistry is almost romantic in quality. Its storyline is a thing of suspenseful mystery, and its overall tone is hauntingly memorable. Larva can be my loyal caped servant anytime. Beautiful art. Beautiful series.
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Eva is the most intellectually based of all my favorite series. The Evangelion movie was actually one of my very first anime discoveries. My own direct quote after the rolling credits: "That was . . . surreal! What is it? Why is it? I love it!" Admittedly, though, I haven't seen enough of the series to further puzzle out its inspirational, otherworldly, drugged-out artistic qualities. This means Eva can only benefit from my seeing more. Ah, anime: world of got-to-see-more.